ROOMS 3D Desktops - CoolWare #15 (freeware) - ReveDisparu - Cool Animated SF Wallpaper

original wallpaper to download new to
- use
to navigate
this 3D

[Screenshot from this ROOMS 3d world]

DownLoad ReveDisparu (CoolWare15) [1.6 Mb zip file]

Original wallpaper. This world is another exploration of lighting - not in any hi-tech ray tracing sense - but the idea of how light informs our interpretation of space. Pretentiously: how light noise textures space (yuk - but I did hear today that the Turner prize nominees have just been announced, so I merely join in the spirit of things).

To get the best out of this world I suggest you turn up the graphics quality. Set import image resolution to 256 and render area to 800x600 or better. The reason being that the monochrome textures show fine detail at higher resolutions.

If you are new to ROOMS worlds, the idea is first, here is an interesting space into which to drag and organize Windows icons, and second here is an interesting space to look at - at least until the next world gets published (two weeks from now).

TIPS: use ROOMS Setup to change ROOMS display resolution to suit your existing Windows setup. Check out the comprehensive ROOMS F1 help.

Needs FreeWare or ROOMS World Viewer license
Date Thursday 31 May 2001
Size 1.6 Mb
Installs to ...\Rooms3d\Rooms\Worlds\ReveDisparu\
Room count 43
Icon count 252
EVAC count 1
Group count 0

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Jack Calverley: science fiction, crime, and mystery stories