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or to buy online from Kagi [Kagi link disabled]

There are four separate ROOMS licenses.

ROOMS World Viewer license [$9] lets you run worlds which are specially designed for World Viewer users. These worlds are available from this Web site as "World Viewer" CoolWare.

ROOMS Creator license [$39] lets you create and distribute your own desktop worlds. There is a 14 day free trial of this license with FreeWare ROOMS.

If you register for either the World Viewer or ROOMS Creator license then you are able to fully customize your joystick and mouse controls.

1-Above-3D Screensaver license [$9] lets you run your ROOMS worlds as screensavers. There is a 14 day free trial of this license with FreeWare ROOMS.

ZoomTopic Presentations license [$99] lets you run your ROOMS worlds as an alternative to powerpoint - to give a presentation or deliver material on CD/DVD. There is a 14 day free trial of this license with FreeWare ROOMS. There is a separate Web site for the ZoomTopic powerpoint alternative.

When you register, a license key is emailed to you. You must apply the key the same day you receive it because each key has a timeout for security. Apply the key in ROOMS Setup and Start, Register NOW page.

You can purchase a license through Kagi (the online store) or using PayPal.

Click here to buy online using PayPal

or, to buy online from Kagi [Kagi link disabled]

1. If you register for either the World Viewer or ROOMS Creator license then you are able to fully customize your joystick and mouse controls.

2. If you register for both the World Viewer and ROOMS Creator licenses then you are able to distribute worlds which World Viewer users can run (ROOMS Creator on its own lets you create worlds which other ROOMS Creator users can run)

3. "1-Above-3D" is the brand name of the ROOMS-compatible screensaver.

4. If you need to re-install ROOMS from scratch and therefore need to re-apply your license key(s) you can re-issue your license online. You need only supply the email address which you used for your original order. [If this has changed, contact us]

5. The ZoomTopic license includes the functionality of each of the other licenses. License conditions are described on the ZoomTopic powerpoint Web page.

ROOMS download page

License text

ROOMS 3D Desktop sitemap
Jack Calverley: science fiction, crime, and mystery stories