ROOMS 3D Desktops - CoolWare #02 (freeware) - Selected Textures - to redecorate VR shapes and walls

Panel textures for ROOMS 3d desktop wallpaper

[Some of the textures in CoolWare02]

DownLoad panel textures (CoolWare02) [0.7 Mb zip file]

A variety of textures (images/graphics) intended for walls, floors and ceilings. There are 76 textures, each is a 128x128 256 color bitmap.

Needs FreeWare or ROOMS World Viewer license
Date 21 December 2000
Size 0.7 Mb
Installs to .../Rooms3d/Rooms/Media/Cw2_panels
Room count na
Icon count na
EVAC count na
Group count na

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Jack Calverley: science fiction, crime, and mystery stories