ROOMS 3D Desktops - Coolware #12 (payware) - Fluorescence - Subterranean Psychedelia

3d wallpaper to download (needs ROOMS World Viewer license) new to
- use
to navigate
this 3D

[Screenshot from this ROOMS 3d world]

DownLoad Fluorescence (CoolWare12) [*needs ROOMS World Viewer license*] [1.4 Mb zip file]

3d wallpaper. Needs ROOMS World Viewer license. If you are a fan of tunnel-flyers like Descent and Forsaken, you should have a look at this. This 3d world is located in a mine and you fly around within it (sick bag at the ready).

Now, I understand fluorescent to mean giving off light of a different color than shines on it. And then, since the sensitivity of the human eye varies from color to color, we can (given the right color combinations) get the impression that the material is brighter than its surrounding - it looks like a light source even though it is only re-emitting incident light.

Well, this effect is not reproduced in the same way on computer. We need to create an ambience at one level of illumination plus some specific (apparent) light sources. There are some attempts at this in "Fluorescence".

TIP: Check out the comprehensive ROOMS F1 help.

Needs ROOMS World Viewer license
Date Thursday 5 April 2001
Size 1.4 Mb
Installs to ...\Rooms3d\Rooms\Worlds\Fluorescence\
Room count 34
Icon count 212
EVAC count 12
Group count 3

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Jack Calverley: science fiction, crime, and mystery stories